Baptismal Font Construction Has Begun!

Last Monday, we started the construction of a new baptismal font and the re-visioning of the gathering area.

We thank one of our parishioners for a special gift of $20,000, made on the day the construction began! Any donations, large or small are deeply appreciated. Donations can be made through our Maintenance Fund envelopes, a loose check or online at our website. We also have some funds available in our savings account. Thanks for your support. During construction Masses will be celebrated in the Hall. Construction should take 2-3 months. During this time, the hall will not be available for most of our usual meetings since it will be set up for Mass and dedicated primarily to our worship/sacramental events.

In the vision of the Liturgy Committee of the Diocese, the gathering area will now be a baptistery. Thus they wanted the literature racks to be hidden from view. The lighting and tile in the floor will also draw the eye to the font. The inner glass wall and glass doors will allow a sense of connection between the baptistery and the main sanctuary of the church. There will be a thin layer of water flowing down the sides of the font so those who can’t reach into the font can still touch the water.