The St. Catherine Labouré Family Life & Spirituality Committee was formed in direct response to the 2016 San Diego Diocesan Synod on the Family. We support families by working with all the parish ministries to help create an environment that invites, nurtures and evangelizes, while recognizing the complexity of family life.

As directed by the Diocese our goals are to:

  • Create a parish environment that nurtures and celebrates marriage; 
  • Form a culture of invitation and hospitality to unmarried couples; 
  • Create experiences and resources that educate and evangelize children and their families in the Faith;
  • Provide authentic pastoral support for those who are divorced; 
  • Bring depth to family life.

We welcome and invite new members to join our committee and we invite you to share your ideas, comments, and suggestions with us on how the committee can best serve your parish.Thank you!

Debbie Higdon, Chair

Family Life & Spirituality Committee

If you would like to contact Debbie please call the office at (858) 277-3133.


For Resources about events put on by the Diocese Family and Spirituality Committee, please click here and you will be taken to that page on the San Diego Diocesan website.

Renewal of Vows - Valentine's Day

Thank you to all the couples who participated in the Renewal of Marriage Vows on Valentine’s Day 2021! It was a beautiful way to celebrate your love and commitment to your spouse. Click on the link for the pictures from the event: