Upcoming Events

Vacation Bible School Deep Sea Discovery Monday, July 29th – August 2nd 202407/29/2024 • 9:00 AMChildren's Religious Education Section: Planning your Summer Camps for your children?  Enroll them in our...More Info
St. Catherine Night at the Padres08/24/2024 • 5:30 PMThe Family Life Committee invites you to an incredible evening where the the San Diego...More Info


Daily Masses
8 am Mon – Fri

Saturday (Vigil) Mass
5:00 pm

Sunday Masses
8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish)

Saturdays from 4:00 – 4:45 pm; or by appointment.

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion:
Tuesdays, after 8 am Mass



St. Catherine Labouré Catholic Church
4124 Mt. Abraham Ave.
San Diego, CA 92111

Phone: (858) 277-3133   Fax: (858) 277-9181
Email: office@stcatherinelaboure.net

Parish Office Hours:
10:00am – 4:30pm

Tuesday- Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm


¡Bienvenidos! Para mas información en español click aqui

My name is Fr. Brian Hayes, pastor of St. Catherine Labouré Catholic Church.

Welcome to our website. We hope this site answers your questions about our Catholic Faith and our parish life, and helps point you in the right direction in this stage of your spiritual journey.

St. Catherine Labouré Catholic Church of San Diego is a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego. Our reason for being is our faith: our faith in Jesus Christ. Every week we gather as God’s people to worship God and to be renewed in faith, hope, and love. As individuals, we come from a diversity of cultures, ages, family units, and ways of life; yet here all of us are united as one through our celebration of the Eucharist. Through the Eucharist we are strengthened in our communion with Jesus and with all who share our faith. After sharing in communion, we are sent forth to be Christ’s Body for each other and for the world. 

Our church is open to all people. Here anyone with a sincere heart can have a saving encounter with Christ because we believe He is present when we gather in his name. He is present in God’s Word which we proclaim, in the Sacraments, in our priests, and in each one of us. Those who are properly initiated can share in (receive) Holy Communion and exercise their gifts during the Eucharist and in our larger parish life. Anyone who is not yet Catholic can go through our initiation program (The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, also called the OCIA); when ready they can become full members of our parish and our world-wide Catholic Church. See the Contact list for more information on this.

We invite you to come and be part of our family of faith. If you have any questions about our faith or about our parish life, do not hesitate to ask one of our parish staff: by coming to the Parish Office, calling (858) 277-3133, or e-mailing me frbrian@stcatherinelaboure.net or the office at office@stcatherinelaboure.net or see our contact list for other personnel. God bless you in your journey of faith.

If you are visiting or new in the area, please see our Mass Schedule.

If you are not baptized or are not yet Catholic, we invite and encourage you to come and learn about our faith. As Catholics, we believe in the mystery of the Holy Trinity: One God, in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and our Lord and Savior. We believe that He wanted us to gather in his name around the table of his Word and Body, which is what we do each Sunday as we celebrate the Eucharist. We do this at His command, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, until He comes again in glory to bring us to His heavenly kingdom and before God, the Father almighty!  

Come journey with us! We have inquiry classes for those who are interested in our learning about our faith. Contact Peter Rodriguez at peter2michael2@gmail.com for more information, or visit the parish office. 

If you are a home-bound person who would like for someone from our parish to bring the Holy Eucharist to you, please call or email us at office@stcatherinelaboure.net

To contact our Diocesan Offices, or if you are looking for more specific information about the Catholic faith visit our Diocesan Website: www.sdcatholic.org


Upcoming Event: St. Catherine Night at the Padres Game

The Family Life Committee invites you to an incredible evening where the the San Diego Padres will take on the New York Mets. If you’ve attended a San Diego Padres game before, you know the excitement and energy of the crowd makes for a truly unforgettable experience. Join us for St. Catherine’s Night at the Padres!

Padres vs. the New York Mets
Saturday, August 24, 5:40pm
For more information contact Debbie Higdon (higdondeb2021@gmail.com).  Tickets will be transferred to you later in August. 
Please fill out the the form below 👇

Sunday Mass Live-Streams

Since Catholics are expected to attend Mass each Sunday, we encourage you to be physically present for Mass each weekend, if you are able to. For those who are not able to attend, we offer the live-streamed Masses. We usually live-stream the Mass on Facebook.live, Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m., Saturdays at 5:00 p.m., and on Sundays either at the 8:00 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. Mass.

Please note: Sometimes we miss due to Fr. Brian not being available for the Mass (he usually uses his phone to do it) or due to technical difficulties. On Sundays the Mass at 9:30 a.m. will usually also be available on YouTube.

Facebook LIVE: https://www.facebook.com/saintcatherinelaboure/. Please click the “like” button on the page!

Stay Close to the Shepherd Through Flocknotes!

Being an active member of our parish keeps you close to Jesus by keeping you close to his shepherds, the priests, and the flock. You can sign up for Flocknotes, a social medium by which we send you periodic messages by email (or by text, but text only allows a very short message, so email is better.) Sign-up below:

St. Catherine Labouré LGBTQ Parish Ministry Welcomes Everyone!

LGBTQ Outreach Ministry extends a welcome invitation to individuals who desire to return to their Catholic faith; and grow closer to God in their lives. Individual appointments are available to assist with Spiritual Direction and any needed sacraments. Several LGBTQ group ministries are available in local parishes.

LGBTQ Family Ministry: Our parish has a long-established ministry for parents and families who gather in a home periodically for prayer, spiritual growth. All are encouraged to continue to love and support their son or daughter in their journey through life as they seek to draw closer to God as a family.

Contact Deacon Jim and Mary Keeley for further information and individual appointments.  

(858) 774-9917 or email: jimrkeeley@gmail.com

Spiritual Direction and Counseling Ministry

Private, individual Spiritual Direction and counseling is available for all. Wherever you may be in your journey in faith, free Spiritual Direction and counseling are available to help you draw closer to our Lord and improve your prayer life. Such assistance can bring one a sense of inner peace and hope, and stronger, more trusting faith in Jesus Christ.

Spiritual counseling is available for anyone with questions about the Church or their faith, or who are struggling with difficult life circumstances, such as divorce, loss of a loved one, or are feeling sad or alone in life. Individuals who have been away from the church for any reason and would like to return to their Catholic faith, please call for an appointment.


Contact Deacon Jim and Mary Keeley for further information and individual appointments.  

(858) 774-9917 or email: jimrkeeley@gmail.com

Divine Office Hymn

Come, come to me all you whose hearts are weary. Come, come to me and I will give you rest. Come learn from me for I am gentle and lowly. Take my yoke upon you and your soul will be at rest.

Come, come to me and your soul will be at rest.


Always our Children– “Though at times you may feel discouraged, hurt, or angry, do not walk away from your families, from the Christian Community, from all those who love you. In you, God’s love is revealed. You are always our children.”  (Document of the USCCB)

Pastor’s Column at St. Catherine Laboure

“At a special Mass held at St. John The Evangelist Church on October 7th (2017) bishops John Dolan and Robert McElroy extended a welcoming hand to parents and families with LGBT children. ‘Parents are often torn between their love for their child who is homosexual and their faith and love for their church’ “

In his homily, Bishop Dolan emphasizing the importance of family life said, “To your parents, there is no denying your sons and daughters whatever their walk-in life”. Parents don’t need to choose between their love for their child and their Catholic faith.

Bishop McElroy, speaking at the end of mass, told the packed church “Pope Francis is calling us to reach out to everyone with a message of radical inclusion. Sadly, there has been estrangement and alienation with LGBT people, and the Church needs to take steps to heal that.”

Bishop McElroy said, “The diocese Is making an effort to reach out to the LGBT community at parishes across San Diego.”

Here at St. Catherine Laboure, we want to extend our pastoral support to parents with LGBT sons or daughters. I have asked one of our parishioners, Deacon Jim Keeley, to lead our outreach ministry to LGBT persons and families. Please call Deacon Jim (858)774- 9917 if you wish to discuss your family or parental concerns.


Please watch this NEW video! If you feel the call to service God’s people, please contact the Diocese of San Diego!

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