World Mission Sunday – A letter from Bishop McElroy

I write to encourage the fullest participation of the parishes of the Diocese of San Diego in the celebration of World Mission Sunday on October 21, 2018.

On World Mission Sunday we are called to focus our attention on the great needs of the Church in the Developing World. We should encourage prayer, personal sacrifice and generous financial support which are so vitally needed by more than 1,100 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands and remote regions of Latin America.
Pope John Paul II tells us, “the Spirit calls us to direct our thoughts to the future which lies before us, to witness and to proclaim Christ giving thanks for the marvels the Lord has worked for us.”

On this World Mission Sunday, I encourage you to focus on this our greatest of callings – the proclamation of Jesus Christ to a world so much in need of His message of love and peace – and to help your parishioners see the importance of their participation in this urgent mission. …

With gratitude for all you and your parishioners will do on World Mission Sunday for the missions of the World.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Robert W. McElroy
Bishop of San Diego.

Special Envelopes will be available on October 21 for your financial support of the Missions.