Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus stepped forward and touched the coffin; at this the bearers halted, and he said, “Young man, I tell you arise!” (Luke 7)

The Gospel today shows Jesus’ encounter with the widow who had just lost her only son. He showed his compassion for her by raising the young man back to life! In doing so, he also showed his disciples and the crowds that he was truly the Son of God who has the power to raise the dead.

We follow Jesus’ example in offering compassion and support to those who have lost loved ones. Through our Bereavement Ministry we help the bereaved encounter the living Christ, though our liturgies and through the ministry of consolation. We thank all those involved in our Bereavement Ministry here at St. Catherine Labouré.

In this Year of Mercy, we recall that burying the dead is one of the corporal works of mercy. Planning and/or attending someone’s funeral is also an act of mercy. Even planning your own funeral in advance is a work of mercy, because it frees your family and loved ones from worrying about those details and wondering if they are fulfilling your wishes.

We are hosting a Funeral Planning Workshop on Saturday, June 18th at 10:00 a.m. Join us to find out about our Catholic teachings on Funeral Liturgies and some practical help in planning for a Funeral.