Second Sunday of Lent


While he was praying, his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white…Then from the cloud came a voice that said, This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” (Luke 9)

On the Second Sunday of Lent we hear of how Jesus was transfigured before his disciples. God allowed them to experience for a moment his true divine identity and his glory. Many scholars say that this was to prepare them for what was to happen later: his passion, death and Resurrection.

Our journey of Lent is meant to teach us who Jesus really is, and how he chose to empty himself to be our Savior: clothed in glory from all eternity, he took on our human form and accepted suffering for our sake. He did this so that one day we would be clothed in glory with him in heaven… if only we walk with him and are faithful to him during our life on this earth.