The Joy of love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church.   –Pope Francis


All who identify as LGBTQ are welcome to our Faith Community, Our ministry is founded on the basic truth that God loves every person as a unique unrepeatable human being whom He has created. 

As parents, family members, friends, and ministers we encourage all families to accept with love their LGBTQ members; and include and accompany them on their journey home to our Heavenly Father. Our children come to understand our Catholic faith and God Himself through the words and actions of those they love, especially their families. Too often those closest to them unfairly judge and reject them and they in turn reject the Church and sometimes even God. We are each called to convey the love and mercy of God to all, not to judge our neighbors, most especially those closest to us.

When families first come to realize their son or daughter, sister or brother is LGBT they sometimes feel they have to choose between their faith and their loved one. This is never the case. Our Catholic Faith welcomes and reaches out to them with the joy and the love of God.

“We want them (parents) to know… you can love your child and be an active member in the Church.”- Auxiliary Bishop Dolan of San Diego

The Christian community should offer its sisters and brothers understanding and pastoral care… they should have an active role in the community of faith… “It is not sufficient to avoid unjust discrimination. (They) must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.”- CCC no. 2358


Family Based Ministry

St. Catherine Laboure’s LGBT Family Ministry was established in 2018. We serve individuals and families from various parishes in the San Diego Diocese. 

As families, friends, and LGBT members we meet together in a home setting to pray together and learn from the experiences of others. We take time to study the teachings of our Church and reflect on how we can grow closer to Jesus and be channels of His grace to our loved ones and others.

We collaborate with other parish-based LGBT ministries in our diocese. We work together to help our parishes become more welcoming to all.

We provide opportunities for individuals who are LGBT or have questions about their faith to talk privately with a minister of the Church.

Call Deacon Jim Keeley @ 858-774-9917 for an appointment or additional information.