- 08/07/2023 - 08/11/2023
- 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Parish Hall at St. Catherine Laboure
4124 Mount Abraham Ave
San Diego, California 92111
Summer is just around the corner and here at St. Catherine Labouré Church we are planning an exciting Vacation Bible School (VBS) adventure for your kids! Are you looking for a safe, friendly and fun environment for your kids? Then sign up for VBS today! This fun-filled Vacation Bible School is for kids from 4 years old to 6th grade (as of fall 2023). This year’s program theme is “Stellar” Shine Jesus’ Light.
This week will be filled with lots of fun adventures during the week, Bible stories, outdoor games, imagination station, crafts, music and more! All those things that make VBS so much fun! To register please print and complete the following registration form and return as soon as possible! You may pay online at stcatherinelaboure.net under the donate tab. In the comment section put Vacation Bible School and your children’s names.
Adult and Youth Volunteers Also Needed!
If you can volunteer to help with set-up, teach, crafts, classroom assistant, outdoor, music, photography or other during the week. We welcome Jr. High and High School students as volunteers must attend training sessions and complete an area of interest form. For more information contact Kathy Keith at kkeith@stcatherinelaboure.net
Click the picture for a printable version of the registration form! A volunteer information request form is also included.
Click here to see examples of all the many ways you could help out VBS!