- 02/29/2020 - 03/01/2020
- 12:00 am
- St. Catherine Labouré Catholic Church
4124 Mt. Abraham Ave.
San Diego, CA 92111
Our parish will once again be hosting guests who are situationally homeless when the Interfaith Shelter is held at our parish from March 14-28. Guests will spend each night in the Parish Hall and we will provide dinner, sack lunches, a warm place for sleeping, a shower, and breakfast each morning.
You have a unique opportunity to contribute to the Shelter by participating in our Shelter Giving Rack. When you come to church February 15 & 16, please stop by the Giving Rack and select one or more cards with items that are needed for the Shelter. Purchase the items and drop them off at church when you come to Mass on Shelter Sunday, February 29 & March 1.
On Shelter Sunday, you can meet the Shelter Organizing Team and you will also have the opportunity to volunteer to bring a meal, serve breakfast, spend a night, transport guests to the laundry, set up or break down Shelter, or make a cash donation. We need new items each year because we often give bedding and towels to our guests if they are going to be placed in housing as they leave our shelter. What a practical way to participate in the Corporal Works of Mercy!
Click here for our flyer about all the different ways you can help out the shelter: Volunteer Opportunities
Please consider donating to the Interfaith Shelter. All monetary donations are first used to off set costs to operate the two week shelter. Any additional money could be placed into a fund to assist guests transitioning into permanent housing, or carried over to the following year.
To donate online, visit Donation/Payment and specify the Interfaith Shelter Network. Checks can be made payable to St. Catherine Labouré with “Interfaith Shelter Network” written on the memo line, or cash can be donated on Shelter Sunday.