- 11/16/2019
- 10:00 am
- Parish Hall at St. Catherine Laboure
4124 Mount Abraham Ave
San Diego, California 92111
We invite all parishioners to join us for a presentation on our plans for the new baptismal font and the re-visioning of the gathering area. Fr. Peter McGuine, from the Diocesan Liturgy Office, will be here to explain our Catholic understanding of baptism and the importance of having a more dignified font for the church. We will also present the architect’s renderings for how we envision the font will look. Besides a new font, the drawings promise a much more awe-inspiring view upon entrance into the church!
For more information about the presentation please click here!
After our meeting with the parish community on November 16, we will need to go before the Art and Architecture Committee of the Diocese to get approval of our plans. We don’t know the cost of the project yet, but we will have a better idea after the plans are finalized. Please consider making a monthly donation to the project using the maintenance fund envelopes located in your monthly envelope mailing, or in the gathering area. You can also donate online using the same account – maintenance fund. Special bequests are also always welcome. Thanks to all your support.