- 03/17/2025
- 10:45 am
- Parish Hall at St. Catherine Laboure
4124 Mount Abraham Ave
San Diego, California 92111
The Monday Lunch Bunch welcomes you on Monday March 17th, for a wonderful fellowship food and fun. We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Wear Green.
Where: The Parish Hall; doors open at 10:45 am; lunch is served at 11:30 am.
Menu: Shepherds Pie with Mashed Potatoes, green salad, rolls and butter and for dessert St. Patrick Cup.
Entertainers: Hitoshi Suzuki with Romantic Cello Music. Hitoshi has studied cello in Japan and Czech Republic. He has a Bachelors and Masters in Piano.
Cost: $10.00 – Please note the increase in LUNCHES for 2025. This increase is due to the rise in food cost at the Caterer’s.
Note: Please bring non perishable item to replenish St. Catherine Food Bank.
Make you reservations by 7:00 pm by Thursday March 13, 2025.
RSVP Kay Olson (858) 270- 0175 or 21kayo@sbcglobal.net