- 12/03/2016
- 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm
- Parish Hall at St. Catherine Laboure
4124 Mount Abraham Ave
San Diego, California 92111
“A Night in Bethlehem”, is an interactive experience based on the time of the Holy Family in Bethlehem. The night would include booths for a woodshop, story- tellers, a bakery, board games, passport booth (information) a café, paint shop and the Holy Family and their story. This will be great for all families, singles, grandparents, visitors and friends alike and will make the Christmas story come alive and be more meaningful. Together we can keep Christ in Christmas.
Please join Patty on November 28th at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall to brainstorm ideas and form groups. If you are unable to attend the meeting please pray for the planning and success of this event (true evangelization). We can also use a seamstress to help with simple costumes. For adults that night we will have a booth to make Christmas wreaths. For more information or to volunteer, contact Patty Gradillas at (858) 277-3738 or email pgradillas@stcatherinelaboure.net.