Following the mandate of the Governor of California and our Bishop, we will not be celebrating Holy Week or even Easter together as a faith Community! We will be live-streaming Easter Sunday Mass at 9:30 a.m. from St. Catherine Laboure. Check out our homepage for more information.
The Diocese will provide streaming and recordings of Holy Thursday Mass, the Good Friday liturgy, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Mass. More information available on the Diocesan website:
You can also celebrate these liturgies with beloved composer Dan Schutte, who has created a virtual celebration of the Triduum — complete with personal reflections, psalmody, homilies, music for Communion and more. Take part in the celebration from home! Click the picture below.
Be sure to read the readings and prayers of the Liturgy each day at home, and meditate on this mystery. We are now in a new, unprecedented, phase of this “mystery”. May the “dying” we are all experiencing now lead to a new experience for the Resurrection and “new life” for the Church, for the world, and for each one of us! Here is the schedule for Holy Week:
Holy Thursday, April 9
Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Washing of Feet, Reception of the Holy Oils, Recalling of the Institution of the Eucharist, Procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose, Silent Adoration.
Good Friday, April 10
The Passion narrative according to John, Veneration of the Cross, General Intercessions, Holy Communion.
Holy Saturday Night, April 11
The Easter Vigil: Service of Light, Proclamation of the Exultet, Liturgy of the World (including 3-7 Old Testament Readings), Christian Initiation for Adults (Baptism, Profession of Faith, First Communion, Confirmation), Liturgy of the Eucharist. Bishop McElroy says the celebrating of the Sacraments of Initiation for those participating in the RCIA will be moved to Pentecost.
Easter Sunday, April 12
Mass of the Resurrection