Third Sunday of Easter

Jesus revealed himself again to his disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. …None of the disciples dared to ask him, “who are you?” because they realized it was the Lord.    (John 21)

After the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples and showed them that he was indeed alive, that suffering and death do not have the last word. When he appeared to them at the Sea of Tiberius he helped them make another great catch of fish. Yet, because he was transformed through the Resurrection and now had a perfect and glorified body, he was not easily recognizable, even to his own disciples.  But thanks to his words and actions, with which the disciples were already familiar, the disciples were able to realize who He was. Jesus was leading them to a new kind of relationship with him – to recognize his presence in and through faith, because he was no longer going to be with them in the same way as before.

Jesus is no less present to us, now, then he was to the disciples after the Resurrection. We, too, can recognize his presence with us through faith. We gather to hear his Word and to encounter him through the sacramental signs of bread and wine. He is present in the power of His Resurrection to bring us mercy, forgiveness, and healing; his presence gives us the strength to live a new life, a life of love, peace, and hope. Engaging in these liturgical actions of Word and Sacrament helps us to believe and trust in his saving presence in our daily lives and to bring his saving presence to others.

The Lord is Risen Alleluia! Alleluia!

He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!